MONDAY 17 April

After I wrote what I did yesterday, I just cried for the animals. I actually am all around lambs, rams, sheep, cows, chickens and horses. And one of the cutest things your eyes can see is a baby lamb running towards you!! I know that now from living around all these long running generational animal farms. What they did back then, they do now. One farm is progressive and that one is right by my house. The happy cows live there. Its polar opposite sits at the polar opposite of my house. Also, poor little cow dude, a big pile of his poop takes up 1/5 of his pin. They give him NO respect. All because he is a boy. The girls suffer too, but his seems next level worse. And this is just a small fleck of the big picture, the peering into what is happening with most of the meat we eat. It’s all inhumane. It's all what we would not vote for if we knew it was taking place.

2023 opens us to things we have never seen before and that we could never have imagined. This will operate as the best yes OR the worst no. Things are going beyond the limits in 2023 and what you give, you get back. Like, now more than ever, we stand behind a fan with our thoughts and dreams. We can either send it out there and TRUST that around the corner up ahead is what we are wishing for -- COMING FROM A PLACE OF VALUING OURSELVES. Or we can believe that we never got what we wanted before so it is impossible to believe that change could be -- coming from a place of NOT valuing ourselves. We can say yes to believing that we WILL rise again SOON, yes we will! Or we can say no to believing in the good and yes to believing that we will AGAIN suffer because we don’t deserve anything better.

Like, look at those energies you are loading with. Like, is it best to start your day thinking it won't go your way? Like, is that the best thing to vote for?

If you were my poor little steer, all you could focus on was that you have ONLY known nothing, and you don’t get what you see others getting because you ARE bad and unworthy. The steer knows limitation and pain – and he has 0% control in that. He can't get up and get out of that.

But you can. You do not have to stay in the pin and suffer. And all you really got to do is hold an inside vibration that knows you are essential and that OBVIOUSLY, you have a place. Just place love on your heart and believe that you will be supported, and it will be okay. Trust that there is a higher power that watches out over you and that you ARE loved unconditionally.


I am worthy of what I envision

My life to be

If I could be happy

And living the dream.

I value myself and

Therefore I expect

An epic bounty to be on the way.


Good finds me!

And that is what I believe.


The next 2 weeks explained.

Here is the support you wish you had.

Star Rise Guide #176


Star Rise Guide #176

$6.00 USD

“Nothing but love for KV - after two sessions I'm already noticing and SEEING myself align towards my deeper values. I'm making more space for the things that serve me in a place of love and authenticity. She is so gifted and was able to see and bring things out of me I had known, but in a quiet way. Now they are much clearer and I can take steps to honor and nourish those parts. I look forward to more BEAs with her and it's a blessed experience to have the time with KV.”
