DIrect Source Wisdom

From Spirit to You.

This is where original material comes directly from spirit with pure intent on helping YOU RISE SKY HIGH like you were born to do. I WAKE YOU UP to who you REALLY ARE and I LET YOU IN on how FAR YOU CAN REALLY GO.


Bringer of the Spirit Medicine


Sun in Pisces. Virgo Moon. 1 degree Capricorn Rising. 4, 6 Triple Split Generator with only the throat undefined, Provoking for Spirit. Mars in the last degree of Sagittarius, in the last degree of my 12th house, in a T-square with Pluto/Black Moon and Sun/Mercury. My Jupiter/Neptune in Sagittarius conjunction in the 11th house is in a sextile to my Venus in Aquarius in the 1st house, which is in a mutual reception trine to Uranus in Libra in the 9th house. I was born to support you in these changing times.

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Channeled in 1999 to help you wake to your power in these times.

The truth of who you are.

Birth Chart Book


Birth Chart Book

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$111.00 USD