The Moon Maps in PDF

$7.00 USD

The Moon Maps will tell you HOW YOU WILL FEEL during each day of 2023 (plust Nov + Dec 2022) so that you don't question your feelings and end up in places you really don't need to be.

The Moon Maps and Astrology School are a SYSTEM. It will be your daily way to be in the best position to handle the tests and opportunities of the day. You can upgrade your vibration QUICKLY when you aren't swimming upstream all the time and clashing into wounded interactions where things keep repeating and never getting you to your dreams.


☆ 14 Moon Mapping Wheels (November 2022 to December 2023)
☆ Moon degrees for each day of the year.


This is a great option if you already have purchased the main book with all the interpretations in the past years OR if you want to follow along with the free information on the website OR if you know alot about the interpretations and just need the Moon Map guides.