JUNE 15 | Wednesday

What an energetic day we have!! It is going to be intense for many of you, but really its about slamming you with the truth so that you can get back up and start rebuilding what you need to see from the aspects of life you next want to manifest. There is work to do and things are triggering you into seeing what needs to change and what was created from the old world where you have “needs” that you really don’t need. Marketing slams you with thinking you need to have all these things and be all these ways that they are superficial and most likely not really possessing depth of authenticity. The fake way is the mainstream way, and it paves the way for others to follow and be misdirected from energy that isn't really what it seems to be. You can feel crushed by life right now if it’s old and cold and dead because of its true intentions to manipulate and generate cash flow. We are looking for the real deals in life where passion creates what overflows to generate. Manipulations can get the flow coming, but without the constant manipulations continuing to be in place, the flow will run dry. But when you have passion overflowing, it will only vanish when you stop loving what you are doing. The passion is what we are birthing, and it will get us going for a whole other way of looking at the future we want to create. So go to where you feel called and focus and don’t let go of what you KNOW can be rebuilt and made better. Be a bridge and bring the peace as you show the world that you need something that empowers you to go for the better dreams. It’s time to start over and remember that you have every right to exist and to thrive with what are your creative gifts. Expect more and keep at whatever it takes to make the breakthrough that gets you knowing there is a way. You are to be a pioneer into uncharted lands and to lead from what you sense is the best thing.  

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It is time to bring more ease into your life.

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