MONDAY 24 April

GOOD MORNING LOVE MEMBER EARLY READINGS. Log in to see what you can expect to see happen today! ------ Today is going to be full of surprises and moves that you weren’t expecting! This can be when others come into your lane and their actions will have you needing to make a change. Don’t get upset or shame and blame anyone for taking you off course. It is written in the day that we are moving spontaneously and also going back on what we thought we would be considering.

There is something interesting that says you are to give in the ways you were left empty or aren’t being seen. It means you are to control yourself from going into stories of seeing that you are a victim, and you can't trust a thing. Understand that if anything lets you down it is just a no that has to be on the way to finding a true yes. Don’t think that this is another sign that you can't trust people, or you will never be loved, or you can't dare to actually believe in a dream because you have never seen anything come true. This energy is about getting us to see that we don’t always win, but it’s not a bad thing! We are to see that we just need to let go of control and hope for the best! We are to see that we are on a highway where all these other cars can be coming our way – and we can't control what THEY will do. We are learning that we are only in charge of ourselves, and we DO need to bob and weave our way OUT of getting slammed into the gutter by others.

MOST LIKELY someone will come at you today with high drama or some fixated feeling of not being appreciated or valued. They may need to talk it out and you need to make sure that YOU want to talk to them. You DO NOT have to just take everything on to the point you end up overloaded and confused. And there is a warning that flood waters rise quickly at this time and a simple situation can really get out of hand if YOU do not value your space and listen to your gut in how you are being guided to move out of the way. If someone jabs at you today – just don’t fight back and take it all on as if you have to.

This day says you are free to move around the dysfunction and allow it to settle ON ITS OWN. You don’t need to explain yourself or try to seek for an understanding from something that has shot its way into your atmosphere. Think of it like this. If a neighbor comes and throws trash on your front lawn, throw it away, don’t throw it back on their lawn. Like, don’t do what anyone else is doing with any intentions to get even. It seems that we will be in more pain if we decide to put others in their place. So let it go and see that this will work itself out ON ITS OWN. Step back and believe this needs to happen -- and it doesn’t need you intervening.


Don’t try to control a thing!

Surrender, trust, and value your space

So that you aren’t just a sponge

To all the disgrace.

Allow something to play out

On its own.

Because it doesn’t need you

Getting involved and going low.




MOON DEGREES: 23 Gemini to 5 Cancer


NUMEROLOGY:    1  7  8 



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I created the Moon Maps to help us move through the calendar in a way where we can see what sort of energy we should be holding. We are not always action oriented and have 2 weeks where we are pulling back to process. Get the MOON MAPS to go with the ASTROLOGY SCHOOL teachings!

Dressed & Blessed in Taos, New Mexico

Energy update!

Be aware that you can feel super emotional this time and needing space. Allow the mystery and be what you need to be.