PLANT CRYSTALS and get a new life growing for you!

You have more control than you know to influence what you attract into your life. Plant Crystals and grow a better scene!

Planting Crystals | Lucky Vibes.

4 reviews
$22.00 USD

Plant Crystals to create a grid under your home that holds a specific vibration.

Plant #2 Lucky Vibes to shift your flow and get things moving in the ways of your dreams. This one is a must! I plant them every New Moon and really do consider myself SO LUCKY!! I blame all my blessings on the crystals.

Citrine x 10
Aventurine x 10

Your stones have been cleansed in a stream on Taos Mountain and charged under the last Full Moon in order to be a cohesive unit that hooks up when all the stones are planted.

Only plant 48 hours after the New Moon! This is important! The Earth is in a receptive state during this time where she listens to what you want and starts planting seeds based on what happens each New Moon and for those next 48 hours.

You will be planting crystals in 10 locations, with 8 on the outside and 2 on the inside as the connecter locations. OR, you will be planting at 10 locations inside the house, in plants or bowls of soil. The stones need to be in soil at least an inch down.

Plant as often as you want, but only during the 48 hour window.

For more information on how to plant, when to plant and the 4 Directions Prayer, READ THE RULES OF THE CRYSTAL PLANTING ROAD!

Are you looking for good luck?

new moon times

planting schedule.

As a rule, the Earth opens and receives whatever we are putting out there for 48 hours AFTER THE NEW MOON HITS.

This means you ONLY PLANT the Home Grids during the New Moon! If you are late on this New Moon, plan for the next one!


New Moon in Sagittarius.

Plant from November 23 at 2:58 PM Mountain Time through November 25 at 2:58 PM.


New Moon in Capricorn

Plant from December 23 at 2:17 AM Mountain Time through December 25 2:17 AM.

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