My loves! I have a huge issue #146 for you that will be launching later tonight and finishing tomorrow! I am changing the style as the New Moon in ...

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sunday 16 january

sunday 16 january

Okay. Today is SO important! It's going to have a lot of movement to it and MUCH that will hit you to your heart or get you tuning into your value...

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saturday 15 january

saturday 15 january

Good morning ma love! Things are BIG today, and they teach us of how we need to learn to speak in ways that are our truth. -- And to find what tha...

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friday 14 january

friday 14 january

What a big day! So. We have Mercury going retrograde at 10 degrees Aquarius and this is really going to pull us back into our mental spaces and th...

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thursday 13 january

thursday 13 january

Good morning sweet love! Today is oh so busy and it has inspiration and movement written in every direction! This is when we really get busy in se...

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wednesday 12 january

wednesday 12 january

Okay then. We are stepping back into our old world way that needs us applying the upgrades and solutions to clear the path for us to walk into our...

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tuesday 11 january

tuesday 11 january

Today is going to bring a bit of a test in making sure that you are ready to let go of your old world pattern and step into the dedication in grow...

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monday 10 january

monday 10 january

Today says that what you put out there is coming back to you in a SUPER BIG way that hits to the core of your being and awakens a new plan of tran...

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sunday 9 january

sunday 9 january

Today is going to be very much about what 2022 is going to be for us. So watch closely!!! This is going to be one of those x-ray vision days where...

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saturday 8 january

saturday 8 january

Today is going to feel totally different as something reaches completion and we finally start to see into a new path forming. This will bring ligh...

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friday 7 january

friday 7 january

Okay then. Today is like yesterday where we face ways we have been limited in our views and over generalizing of what needs us lowering the heat a...

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It's time to manifest more ease.

BEA ENergy HEalings

You are so close to feeling so much better. Join a Group BEA and be with other powerful influencers LIKE YOU to get energy adjustments that will have you feeling yourself maybe for the first time in your life. BEA will free you and set you flying to heights you never dared to dream. This is the answer to why nothing you have done has worked as you wanted it to. We need to get 5D energy adjustments into your beautiful body!